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 ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム 2020 九州

2020年11月20日(金) 於 オンライン開催

ソフトウェアテストシンポジウム 2020 九州


This event is organized by JaSST (Japan Symposium on Software Testing) whose mission is to extend software quality improvement across the nation by providing cutting edge testing technology capabilities. Usually, this event is conducted at different places of Japan once or twice a month but sometimes it depends on the emerging trends or new developments in Software Industries to advance knowledge or practical application in the field. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this time the event was held online Zoom.
The event started with the introductory speech by the executive committee member. He presented the brief outline of events schedule along with the statistics on the participants given as below:

  1. Percentage Distribution for Participants field of Study (Graph to be provided by JaSST committee)
  2. Percentage Distribution for Participants Role in current working field
  3. Percentage Distribution for Participants working experience
  4. Percentage Proportion of current year (2020) and last year (2019) participants

和田 卓人氏(タワーズ・クエスト)

The event was started by Takuto Wada who has been in software field for last 20 years. Based on his own experience working as a programmer and as a consultant talking to countless other software developers, he could understand the dilemma, of choosing between Quality and Speed, often faced by any development team.
The session highlighted about the pressure and continuously growing need for speed to make the software release faster than the competitors and to fulfill this need most of the companies release software without sufficient testing.
The speaker mentioned about The Furious Four factors: Time, Budget, Quality and Scope (from book - The Agile Samurai). Given the choices to select one of these, people often sacrifice Quality over the other three factors. Digging deeper into Quality, the speaker described the difference between Internal and External Quality and illustrated with the few examples that a broad range of companies emphasize on external quality (quality seen by customer) and undermine the internal quality (clean code, maintainability etc.) ignoring the fact that latter is the source of former and has a direct impact on other. He explained the concept of Code Quality vs. Speed Fallacy and the belief of few organizations that code quality and code shipping cannot be taken care simultaneously. In such organizations, production release is like a bomb where the developers keep trying to ward off explosion and most of the time is spent in fighting fires in production due to quality issues eventually paying Time penalty for Speed.
He also explained about DORA (DevOps Research and Assessments) metrics. DORA measure Deployment Frequency (DF), Mean Lead Time for changes (MLT), Mean Time To Recover (MTTR) and Change Failure Rate (CFR). These metrics guide determine how successful a company is at DevOps - ranging from elite performers to low performers.
At last, he took the questions from participants and closed the session.


Rochelle Kopp is a management consultant specializing in cross-cultural communication, human resources, and organization development. She is founder and Managing Principal of Japan Intercultural Consulting (JIC), an international training and consulting firm focused on Japanese business. She works with many Japanese and non-Japanese leaders as an executive coach. Her topic of presentation was Servant Leadership where she spoke about the leadership style, their effectiveness, characteristics of Servant Leaders such as awareness, empathy, foresight, commitment to the growth of people etc. The emphasis was on Delegation where Managers help remove obstacles for the team. Micromanagement is discouraged. This gives the team a sense of ownership and responsibility. It results in maximum customer satisfaction as well as maximum employee satisfaction.
Servant leadership is an art where we get the people do their work by not showing force or authority but by showing respect.
The speaker spoke about Feedback and its importance. Feedback helps employees learn what it is they are supposed to do and how they are supposed to do it. She explained its role that how the feedback, if given positively, helps the company's retention efforts as well as improved employee performance. She stated both positive and negative feedback with several examples. Negative feedback is equally important.
Having worked with Global companies, she expressed that how important it is to express praise in return of good work which is not frequently found in Japanese because working hard is considered a basic human trait. She then explained Adding-point System vs. Lowering-point System. Adding-point System is one where focus is on giving people points for the good things they do, whereas the focus in Lowering-point System is on taking away points for every mistake that is made.
At last, she took the questions from participants and closed the session.


First session was provided by Kazuki Higashiguchi working with Hitachi as Developer. He presented the software development approach called TDD (Test Driven Development). TDD is a technique where programmers develop test suite for any functionality and use the test results as feedback to improve the functionality design. It is also known as TDD cycle, where the first stage is creating a test (failed test), adding a code required to pass the test (passed test) is the second stage and the third stage is refactoring. Refactoring a code means changing/adding some amount of code to the existing code without affecting the behavior of the code. It enables incremental and iterative development with continuous integration to the main code.
Envisioning Initial Requirements and modeling the architecture for same and then performing confirmatory testing on the implemented code gives the various advantages such as better design, clean and refactorable code.

The second session was presented by Nobuyasu Yoshitake san working with Fusic as QA Tester. He provided few automation techniques to boost day-to-day operations' efficiency in any organization. He explained spreadsheet-GitHub integration and spreadsheet-slack integration. We can use Zapier integration to add new GitHub issues to Google Sheets as new spreadsheets rows and vice-versa.
For spreadsheet-slack integration, he explained a bit about Google Apps Script (GAS) and using GAS to post messages to Slack automatically on every trigger based on the slack configurations. Incoming Webhooks are a simple way to post messages from external sources into Slack. They make use of normal HTTP requests using GET/POST with a JSON payload, which includes the message to be sent to slack.

The third session was presented by Saori Egawa san working with Global Team as QA Manager. She presented Scrum application in real time. Working in cross-cultural environment, she faced the need of getting all remote teams to be aligned with Japanese Quality Process and Test Strategies. Since the remote teams, she is working with, are from different geographies (such as Japan, Vietnam, India), the working time-zone was also a challenge. Getting the projects done in timely manner, tracking individual progress all these factors made her to find a solution. This was the time when she brought Scrum application to the team, enabling every team member to be working autonomous. Once the remote teams started working with minimal instructions, she presented different Test processes and strategies to the team. She added the skills and tools incrementally without overloading the team. Not only this made her life easier as a QA Manager, but also made team members satisfied because of additional skills and grooming. This was the live example from her working experience.


Finally, on behalf of JaSST, the executive committee member expressed his appreciation to all participants for taking time out of the busy schedule to attend the seminar and officially announced the end of the Symposium.


Being from the software industry for the last 11 years and working with the various domains in IT, I have seen IT industry becoming more competitive with every passing day. There is a strong need of keeping the pace with advancing technology but not at the cost of compromised software quality. At the same time, the workforce has to motivated enough to accept the daily challenges, which is not possible in absence of Good Management. The topics covered in this conference beautifully explained these both facts. The real time examples given by speakers were relatable to my current work. It was a great opportunity to be part of this conference. Missing face to face talk did not hamper the enthusiasm of participants which was evident from the Q&A session.

記:Madhu Binjola(RIEPL)
